Now, I have a theme (Boys and Girls) and I have many ideas of what I'd like to do with my sketchbook, but I don't want to start before I'm officially ready. Do I want to re-bind my book with thicker paper? What will I use for a cover then? Do I want pages to unfold so there's more room to play? Lalalala, so many things to think about!
If I would have discovered The Sketchbook Project even a month ago, I would have thought it interesting but in no way would I have agreed to participate. My inner critic was mean and nasty to me, I didn't give myself to play on paper. Thankfully, I've been introduced to the world that is SARK and I am now the proud owner of SARK's Journal and Play!book. To sweeten the deal, I've created a Creativity Fort to hold my happy art supplies and it's an escape place from the blah-icks of the world.
Since building the fort, I've found out just how much I love painting. I have two brushes and I think only six paints (acrylic) and still, I'm able to create some pretty exciting things. With the exception of the past week when I was nearly six feet under the weather, I've been in my Fort every day, tinkering around. I bring my Play!book to work on days that I have forty-five minute breaks. I'm all about being crafty, artsy, etc.
Last Saturday we had a party at work. LUSH has released four new bath bombs that are pretty fantastic, definitely unique, and really do create a whole new "art of bathing." In honor of this exciting event, we decided to get a little artsy in the store as well.
I don't look all that great with a mustache, in fact, I think I look an awful lot like my father in the series of pictures that were taken in store, oh well. Thankfully, when I'm getting messy in my Fort, I look really cute and I make cute things, too:

So, that's what's been going on 'round these parts...I'll post pictures of my Sketchbook progress, don't worry!