Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Artsy Kendra

I got my sketchbook in the mail yesterday and squeed myself crazy until I was able to drop all my goods from the co-op onto the kitchen table. What a pretty, pretty book. Crisp blue cover, thin and fragile pages, oh how I want to devour you. I already had plans for the evening and thus I wasn't going to start my sketchbook right away. Thankfully, the sketchbook arrived in time for two days off!

Now, I have a theme (Boys and Girls) and I have many ideas of what I'd like to do with my sketchbook, but I don't want to start before I'm officially ready. Do I want to re-bind my book with thicker paper? What will I use for a cover then? Do I want pages to unfold so there's more room to play? Lalalala, so many things to think about!

If I would have discovered The Sketchbook Project even a month ago, I would have thought it interesting but in no way would I have agreed to participate. My inner critic was mean and nasty to me, I didn't give myself to play on paper. Thankfully, I've been introduced to the world that is SARK and I am now the proud owner of SARK's Journal and Play!book. To sweeten the deal, I've created a Creativity Fort to hold my happy art supplies and it's an escape place from the blah-icks of the world.

Since building the fort, I've found out just how much I love painting. I have two brushes and I think only six paints (acrylic) and still, I'm able to create some pretty exciting things. With the exception of the past week when I was nearly six feet under the weather, I've been in my Fort every day, tinkering around. I bring my Play!book to work on days that I have forty-five minute breaks. I'm all about being crafty, artsy, etc.

Last Saturday we had a party at work. LUSH has released four new bath bombs that are pretty fantastic, definitely unique, and really do create a whole new "art of bathing." In honor of this exciting event, we decided to get a little artsy in the store as well.

I don't look all that great with a mustache, in fact, I think I look an awful lot like my father in the series of pictures that were taken in store, oh well. Thankfully, when I'm getting messy in my Fort, I look really cute and I make cute things, too:

So, that's what's been going on 'round these parts...I'll post pictures of my Sketchbook progress, don't worry!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


The state is roughly the same size as France. Crazy.

I can honestly say that I never in my life thought about the possibility of ever possessing even the slightest inkling of desire to visit Texas let alone live there. Well all that changed when I met Mere. I knew before our first date that she was planning to move back to Texas at the end of the summer, that we probably wouldn't have a long-term relationship mainly because of that factor, but then we met and it just didn't make any sense for me to not join her down there.

I pay month-to-month rent and I can leave at any time.
I'm not in school so I don't have to worry about transferring credits, applications, blah blah blah.
I have a happy job, but everyone there will survive without me.
I can get up and go whenever.

We gave it a lot of thought. I'll stay here through the Holiday season so I can visit my family, pack all my belongings, and we'll hopefully bonus at work and I'll bring home some hefty chunks of change. We'll have some time to perfect the long-distance thing (though she's been traveling a little bit each month I've known her) and the absence will make our hearts grow fonder. Some people think we're pretty bold for trying the long-distance thing, but we easily point out that a few decades ago, couples maintained long-distance relationships and stayed together through thick and thin. Why should our situation be any different? AND: we have the added bonus of the lovely thing called the internet: Skype, emailing, instant messages, Facebook...we'll be fine.