Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Working retail during the holiday season is a bitch. There's no nice way of putting it. Thankfully I work for a company that is eco-friendly, both environmentally and economically. I take pride in the work I do and am happy to make sure that each customer is going home with the right products to suit their needs. At the end of each transaction from the middle of November until Christmas day, I would close my conversation with the customer with: "Happy Holidays!" I did this not only because I don't want to offend anyone, but also because I myself don't have Christ in my Christmas so wishing someone a merry one seems out of place.

It wouldn't be fair to classify myself as a Christian as I don't believe that Christ is my savior, someone else maybe, but not mine. I consider myself a spirtualist as I am very aware that what God is is much larger than anything any one group of people could define, so I find bits of truth as well as faults with each religion I research. Unfortunately, many people are much more close-minded than myself and I encountered several of them this season.

As I wished this woman "happy holidays," she made a big stink about how no one says "Merry Christmas" anymore. She went on a rampage about how we're in American and therefore we should all be celebrating Christmas. Since customers are miraculously always right, even though they can be very, very wrong, I agreed with her that it can be upsetting to always have to be so politically correct, but I did not wish her a Merry Christmas or agree that Christmas should be the only holiday celebrated.

With all of that said, I hope that whatever it is that you did or will celebrate is absolutely wonderful!

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